Últimas noticias

sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Segundo turno 2016 - Entrevista a monitores - Grupo 10


Whats you name?

- My name is Alejandro Vazquez.

How old are you?

- I'm 17 years old.

Have you got a girlfriend?

- No, I havent got a girlfriend.

What are you going to study?

- I'm going to study Engginier

 What's you favourite activity of Saldaña's camp?

- I really like going to the swimming pool!

What's your favourite food?

- Spaghetti is my favourite food

What do you prefer, Santibañez or Saldaña camp?

- I prefer Saldaña.


Why you decide to be a monitor?

- Because when I was a child, I went to the camp and the monitors were very funny and i wanted to be like them

What is you favourite activity in Saldaña's camp?

- The night games and the "Gymkana Guarra"

How many years have you bein in Saldaña?

- Since the first year of Saldaña, five years ago.

Do you like the food of the camp?

- Sometimes i dont.

What sport did you practice when you was a child?

- Soccer and Tennis.

Thank you for your time!!


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