Últimas noticias

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Crónica de los niños - Día 2 - Segundo Turno

Crónica Día 2.  2º Turno.
Grupo 2.
Álvaro A., David, Ignacio S., Ignacio F., Juan, Manuel, Álvaro L., Nicolás, Carmen C., Daniela, Celia, Carmen G., Lara. We are the group number two.
At 9.00  we got up and we had breaksfast. After this, we began the morning activities. We rode a horse and we practiced fishing. Then, we did climbing.
At 13.00, was the pool time. We had a shower and we were ready to have lunch at 14.15.
In the afternoon, we made the “Room Poster” and the “Group Poster”. At 17.00 we could go to the swimming-pool again. We took the picnic and we played the “Rastreo” in the forest. It was very fun but at the end we were very tired. 
After a time to relax we could have dinner and started a new game: “Gymkana Simpson”. We almost beat a group older than us. 
We were very tired after this funny day and we could go to sleep until this morning.
Interview to Cecilia
What is your name?
My name is Cecilia
How old are you?
I am 18 years old.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is yellow.
What is your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is swimming.
What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animals are dogs.
How many years have you been coming to the camp?
This is the 3ª year.
Have you got girlfriend/boyfriend? What is her /his name?
Yes I have. His name is Kent.
Interview to Tuya.
What is your name?
Alejandro Tuya
How old are you?
I am 22 years old.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is red.
What is your favourite sport?
It is American football
What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animal is the eagle.
Do you like donuts?
Of course.
Have you got girlfriend/boyfriend? What is her /his name?
No, I haven´t but I like to have one.


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