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viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Cronica grupo B – Día 2 – Segundo turno

Thursday,  12th July 2012
Hello to everyone, we are the Group B  Pedro Álvarez, Jaime Arregui, Miguel Ángel Valdés, Cristina Cardeli, Carla Pardo and Ana Valle and our monitors are Yago and Pallo.
We lived a wonderfull day, yesterday

Ayer nos despertamos en Saldaña por primera vez y nos gustó mucho. Luego nos fuimos a desayunar y jugar al futbol, baloncesto y voley. Después fuimos a comer, teniamos lentejas y nos gustaron mucho. De tarde hicimos las Olimpiadas, cada uno éramos un país, de noche jugamos al cazafantasmas y lo pasamos muy bien, luego nos fuimos para la cama porque estabamos muy cansados.
Today we interviewed Ire and Yago:

She ir IRE:
1.   What´s your name?
My name is Irene
2.   What´s your group?
My group is H
3.   How old are you?
I´m 17 years old
4.   What´s the weather like today?
Today is sunny at morning but at the afternoon is cloudy
5.   What´s your favourite colour?
My favourite color is coral
6.   What´s your favourite sport?
My favourite sports are football and voleyball
7.   What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are: take photographs, listen music and go to the beach.
8.   Who is your best friend in the camp?
My best friendo in the camp is Adrian
9.   Have you got a boyfriend? What´s his name?
No, I haven’t but I am living with a guy…
  He is Yago:
1.   What´s your name?
My name is Santiago but everybody call me Yago
2.   What´s your group?
My grupos is B
3.   How old are you?
I´m 18 years old
4.   What´s the weather like today?
The weather is changing sometimes, It’s sunny but other times it’s cloudy.
5.   What´s your favourite colour?
My favourite color is green
6.   What´s your favourite sport?
My favourite sports are squash
7.   What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are: surfing ang enjoy the time with my frends
8.   Who is your best friend in the camp?
I have many good friends here in the camp; there`s no especially one
9.   Have you got a girlfriend? What´s his name?
No, I haven’t got


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