Últimas noticias

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Crónica grupo H - día 9 - Segundo turno

Hello, we are the group H and our names are Patri Sanches, Elena Ruiz-Cuevas, Gnzalo Suárez del Canedo, Patri Poole, Claudia Menendez, Guille Cardeli, Pablo Trabadelo an Cris Requejo. Our monitors are Irene and Marques.

Ayer nos levantamos como siempre, con música. Desayunamos unas ricas magdalenas y pan con mantequilla y mermelada. Luego nos lavamos los dientes, a continuación fuimos a arqueología, tiro con arco y después a pesca. Después nos fuimos a la piscina a darnos un buen baño.

Para comer tuvimos ensalada de pasta y carne con patatas. De tarde hicimos un juego de Disney superdivertido con pruebas que seguía por la noche. Para cenar hubo sopa y tortilla de patata ¡Lo pasamos genial!


Today we interviewed Belén and Marqués:

He is Marqués:

1.   What´s your name?

My name is Jaime Marqués
2.   What´s your group?
My group is group H of "huevones"
3.   How old are you?
I´m 20 years old
4.   What´s the weather like today?
Today it is very hot and sunny.
5.   What´s your favourite colour?
My favourite color is blue
6.   What´s your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is soccer and paddle
7.   What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are going out with my friends and winning Pipa at ping-pong
8.   Who is your best friend in the camp?
Everybody is my friend in the camp
9.   Have you got a boyfriend? What´s his name?
Yes, I haven, her name is Paula

 She is Belén:

1.   What´s your name?
My name is Belén.
2.   What´s your group?
My group is G.
3.   How old are you?
I´m 20 years old
4.   What´s the weather like today?
The weather is sunny, like always.
5.   What´s your favourite colour?
My favourite color is green
6.   What´s your favourite sport?
My favourite sports is tennis and soccer.
7.   What are your hobbies?
 My hobbies are going out with my friends and go to the cinema.
8.   Who is your best friend in the camp?
I have a los of friends in the camp
9.   Have you got a girlfriend? What´s his name?
Yes, I have, his name is Adolfo Pipa


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